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    Timaru Herald Advertising Supplement: Focus On Aoraki


    [...]ski- Airport
    Let me share equipped aircraft.[...]rding to ability and led it is important they are
    the world's[...]fly to the upper reaches skied recently and are
    best kept[...]SECRET... near the "rasman Saddle stop under control.[...]tant to be aware that this[...]through spectacular two glacier runs, three[...]Hemisphere and offers thousands of skiers a year the run of a life-[...]are Equipped tourist[...]cabins: These are like[...]quirements are well sleep four. Current price ta[...]3colours Cook National Park. $12 each extra person. On evisio[...]GST. These are basic with $6 per adult, $4 per child,[...]complex are a coffee pillows, sleeping five or[...]hop and, nine people. -Pnce is $12 camp area are two BOTH THESE FABR ICS CARRY[...]er, one a la an adult, $7 a child (min- barbecues and tram- A5-YEAR WAR RANTY
    carte dining room serv- imum per cabin $[...]are available and, below GST included.[...]odern Non-equipped on-site camping area with lim-
    public bar. caravans: These are sim- ited facilities is available[...]At Glentanner Park ilar to the non-equipped at White Horse Hill in[...]camp there are a number cabins. They sleep four lower Hooker Valley.
    of cabins and caravans and price is the same as Fo[...]us 60 power the no~uipped cabins. are shelters and toilets at[...]towed caravans. Details of Mount Cook and sur-[...]are as follows: rounding peaks. They near the Post Office.
    Paat l FOCUS ON AORAIC[...]
    [...]asman An Air Safaris Cessna during it's spectacular 50-minute Grand Traverse alpine
    Glacier. M[...]flight over the Mount Cook and Westland national parks. The flights operate
    climbers and skiers on the snow yearly. from Lake Tekapo and Glentanner Park.

    I To get a really spectacular view of Mount Cook National Park there is no finer
    way than by flying over it. Y[...]lane adventures, helicopter rides and an air s;;ifari.[...]Ski planes Mount Cook Line also fields and rain forests; costs $95 adults, $67 chi[...]MADE TO ORDER:
    Skiplaning has -been park which cfo not involve Cook's spectacwar ice- a brea[...]ther Bagpipe Bags and Accessories.
    described as "armchair[...]a snow landing. · falls, snowfields and Safari flights can be
    mountaineering" and These are: Alpine glaciers; the Hermitage mad[...]eather and suede. Belts and purses.
    "instant Hillary". In the Wonderland, a 40-minute area plus numerous other shop or by telephoning Trans Glacier: A 20-
    30 years it has been oper- flight similar to the mountains, glaciers, the co[...]Ex- THE HELICOPTER LINE
    Passengers arelanded minute ·flight following Tekapo a[...]lacier the length of the Tasman with departures normally The Helicopter Line[...]take a Glacier ($96 adults, $72 every hoar, subject to has four flights available[...]Mt Cook/Glentanner
    er passengers climb back
    aboard their plane to be[...]flights are available for[...]Park
    gently whisked back to[...]mited tiine charters and all forms of
    fhe comfort of their hotel,
    passing on the way some
    spectacular scenery.
    the Twin[...]~ere is the Grand Safari[...]Sefton and Tasman and from Glentanner Park, 15
    Mount Cook Line has a Flight reservations in either direction, enabl- The Minarets. There is a minutes drive from[...]a 40-
    Air Safari The Grand Safari talces[...]Richardson[...]n adult, $101 a chlla; the of a lifetime Air Safaris'[...]Sefton,
    sides ·of the Main Divide spectacular alpine[...]aks, snow and ice-
    30-minute flight costing fields and over 10 major[...]emium rooms
    .;:. .** N
    TIMARU'S FU ¾, This[...]-2 private cocktail bars

    1-~ AND JAAGIC[...]THE TIMARU HERALD- -tJU'ELINr[...]•Fishing
    PARTY NOVELTIES,[...]and around the •Jet Boating[...]And a Maglclan_i Somat.hlng far •Local advertising[...]Stafford Mall Evaryona sells all the[...]
    [...]n serenity. Dappled glades and tall English trees are a feature of the
    Raincli/f Forest situated in ro[...]ween Pleasant Point Early Autumn, and the first sklffs ·of snow lighten[...]. This beautiful forest can be enjo,red from the car or by foot and Falrlie.[...]ing in their hundreds to the
    leads on to Pioneer Park, wlique for its blending of established English trees fields including Fox Peak, seen here from the beautiful[...]s up to 20 (own
    bedding required) ~
    Caravan plugs available. 1~ · .
    Handy to ski-fields, fishing, ,,.,
    boating and tramping.
    Horse trek[...]This cob cottage near Ikawai, kno-wn as Patterson's Accommodation House[...]better-preserved examples of early housing in the region.[...].rtYJI Ph: (02984) 885 Omara[...]whlcll ot
    The winter months, with their calm, clear days Mackenzie". Scotland.
    offer the most spectacular opportunities to see You'll pass through In its pioneering dafS Ille nearest accOIIUIIOdation to any sldfleld In I
    our maj[...]he Mackenzie LICENSED BAR AND DINING A
    •''Grand Traverse" a 50 minute f light around the and Lakes Tekapo, Ohau, Basin as waggo[...]CHILDRENS MEALS AVAILABLE
    Westland National Parks. Hourly departures, sub- National Park. use either the Mackenzie[...].__..,.,. ~~1::J,.,~~21{~11A~~- with share facilities for $10 per person per night.
    [...]335 Stafford Street (Top of the Townl Timaru[...]LUNCHEON by arrangement only[...]ROYAL GARDEN ½[...]one's evening. ited, the choice varied Rutland who joined the lowing, as well as hook-
    Timaru is more than just "We like to go out of[...]our way to make people's scallops for starters, ago from Ohau Lodge. "We have a good, hard
    - it's a special night oul evenings. We try[...]es to use fresh core of local people with Bar lunches available 12 noon - 1.30pm
    And customer[...]much a wide age range and dif- Regular Weekend Entertainment
    . sure _proprietors Craig[...]says
    and Vicky Young will be The care that the raisin sauce to seafood a lot of herbs which are Craig. Target Liquor Specials
    working to see nothing[...]. In addition the restau- All Party Supplies
    mars tfie occasion. sure everyone enjoys mushroom strudel for "He started growing rant has built up a good[...]culinary herbs," laughs
    "We think people come
    here be[...]end she normally only opens A-la-carte dining

    @7!!!:~[...]old favourites which are[...]mteresting ways to gar-[...]special luncheons by ar-[...]The choice carries[...]tion. As well as a com- marigolds, roses and for a smaller area than a Lunches $12.50[...]nasturtiums. hall for a particular func-
    _A(~tOIW'[...]uiet sophistication · Birthday and other parties a
    ~-~--~~~Open 6 Days[...]P.le, food and wme. and there is a charming speciality
    _ a W[...]uncommon 'We've gone by intuition bar for pre-dinner drinks
    - Late Night[...]where customers can en- Special meals by arrangement at[...]the two-and-a-half years[...]Caroline Bay while their[...]Your Hosts
    Heather and Charlie Haggart
    Phone 83-955 A.H. 84-897[...]EVENING DINING
    Gracious A La Carte Dining[...]TIMARU[...]he splendid view across
    18 Evans Street, Timaru. Phone 84-049 Timaru HarlJour. Seen here, taking a look at that view and e[...]pre-dinner drink, are Andrew sad Jean Young.[...]
    [...]alent, hobby
    square dancing or pipe bands? Ice skat-[...]rtainly a
    ing, marching or tramping? Whether your group of people of similar ilk eager for
    personal preference is for vintage cars or you to join the[...]historical railways, whether you are a already.[...]tions, featuring articles about different
    of war there's an organisation for you.[...]is seemingly c/o Timaru Herald, Bank Street, Timaru.

    Survival theme[...]Despite a decreasing Fifty years ago the suc[...]organisa- . bers are not there be- popularity over recent club was a flourishing[...]cause of their profession, years, Twentieth Century Timaru organisation.[...]d member- parties which are always
    Timaru Rotoract Club at[...]a long popular. In addition the
    Basil Lodge, Twizel, over[...]do they have to wait t_o be make· friends and have a waiting list of people[...]invited to join but can do regular night out. · wanting to join, it held annual, highly popular,
    end.[...]hter and en- gardening section puts on
    the one formal gathering[...]some form of entertain-
    in the year of -iwtorad The Timaru club, points to her own ex- Today, as it prepares ment once a year.
    clubs in districts 997 /998,[...]which was formed 16 perience. Eight years to celebrate its 50th[...]y covers years ago, has around 20 ago she moved to Timaru jubilee next month, it is modest $7.50 a year,
    the South Island. walkway near the Twizel members, a figure it is and hardly knew a soul. something of an[...]entre. This hoping to see increase. It A friend suggested she anachrorusm overtaken[...]wo sections.
    address was given by was carried out in con- runs fortnightly meetings[...]There is a committee of
    Lionel Wilson, of Timaru, junction with the Twizel at the IHC[...]mmunity Council. odosia · Street, Timaru, meeting and 1t was there Women was founded in secretary, Mrs Ruth Tay-
    Strang Memorial Award In the afternoon .mem- which involve either a she started to make new 1937 by 15 women in[...]rs
    for · most outstanding bers from as far afield as spealter or an activity. friends and develop an Timaru as an offshoot of recent years, have seen Joan Caswell.
    Jaycee of the Year, South Nelson, Blenheim and In- In addition there are interest outside the the YWCA. Its[...]rate its
    Island and Central -re- vercargill were taken ski weekends, inter-club[...]and entertainment for bership jump to around a dinner at Seven Oaks
    Rotoract dis[...]alistic about the club's young married women". 50 - that for a club in-[...]e held on the she knows can only be re- started to decline with women.[...].
    On Sunday morning sponsored by Rotary In- 9th and 22nd starting at versed by an influx of the arrival of television Tickets cost $20 and are
    the 70-80 participants al ternational, is a world-[...]ilable from Mrs
    • the conference took part wide organisation for club[...]and the pro- ly at the Red Cross Hall Margaret Leadley
    in a community service both -men and women ringing Barbara Newbift roles. liferation of other clubs to hear a speaker talk on (phone 81-447).
    project[...]The Timaru. Cage Bird third Tuesday of each 3pm[...]anniversary this month terian Church Hall on the An anniversary dinner also been made to com-[...]Caroline Bay Hall on 6-7 and Avenue Road start- day night at the Caroline niversary.[...]ing at 7.30pm. Bay Tearooms. Tickets Next year will also be[...]Aviary visits and pic- are $15 each. a big one for the Timaru[...]The club was formed nics are arranged during The club has compiled[...]neighbouring clubs. First Fifty Years, a lim• Show, a nationwide event[...]The club encourages ited number of which are[...]held annually since apart[...]ge birds, still available for $9 from . tract around 2000 entries.[...]the war years when the ranging from the big the secretary, Joy[...]Hunter. New members are[...]bership of around 40 and' will be on display at the souve[...]one of .our skilled carpet consultants to your[...]6 Barnard Street
    [...]-leads from
    Scenic drive: Marked way One south of Te-[...]Mount John.
    on the Timaru City map muka.[...]Mount Cook National
    Botanical Gardens: made of marble and[...]Park are available,
    Situated on the south side limes[...]rom
    of the city. Twenty-six burnt lime. Near Kakahu[...]Air Safaris (phone
    hectares of gardens, an Forest.[...]Tekapo 880.)
    artificial pond, Churches: St Anne's
    glasshouses, fernery, on Pleasant Valley Road,[...]Sports: Fishing, boat~
    aviary, children's play- South Canterbury'[...]ds through the Thomas's, Woodbury,
    gardens. built in 1878 in local[...]The lake provides ideal
    Hall, at the rear of the tion, with the graves of
    Post Offic[...]treet, the museum has Domain: A 9.2 hectare
    an extensive collection of[...]1t has also be·
    park in Cox Street with[...]cbme a well used world-
    artefacts, whaling relics, rose gardens, swimming
    photographs and antique[...]Fishlm(: Nearby
    clothing. Open Sunday nnis and netbal[...]finest
    1.30pm to 4.30pm. and hockey fields, athlet-
    Aigantighe Art Gal-[...]l is an
    lery: In Wai-iti Road the ground.
    gallery has a permanent[...]or skiers
    Landmarks: War me-[...]· the 1860s to the present Windsor Oaks, Totara
    day. Open Tuesday to tree, Weeping Totara
    Friday 11am to 4.30pm, tree.[...]are within the Aoraki re-
    south end of Caroline Railway and His-
    torical Museum: Steam Timaru's Centennial Park, one of the scenic drives in and around the city. The park provides gion. For locat[...]a pleasant interlude from city streets and large areas of it are being planted in nowers.[...]tions Office•. Flyer is the star attrac-[...]Skiing: There are six
    Library: In Sophia tion of the railway which[...]skifields in close prox-
    Street. Phone 43-196 for runs for two kilometres Sport: Two skifields, Cuddy; The Plough, near tional Motor Buggy, trac- stands the sm[...]otor- Church of the Good imity to Timaru and sev-
    opening hours.[...]pools: Cen- ant Point. Just added to are within easy reach.[...]bluestone building found commemorate the part skiing. Contact the Pub-
    nue (ph[...]further details.
    Maori Park Pool, Te Memorial Church: Situ-[...]rse: Wai- Geraldine's civic centre farming in the high coun-[...]and shepherds of the Victoria Park: Acres[...]n mount is an astronomical ford Streets, Timaru,
    al factory tours are avail- of beautiful gardens; as a tribute to the[...]aviaries, tennis courts[...]a swim- towards Kelsey's Bush. •[...]centre and houses many trewood Park with a va-
    tory tours of New Zea- Macken[...]on the ing is a former
    muka Pottery are on main road. courthouse.[...]days Mabel Binney Memorials: Margaret
    at 1.30pm. · Barker's Elderberry
    Museu[...]rporating golf course, highway west on the mam Square; and Seddon[...]use Shelter, Seddon Vintage Car and Ma-
    and camping ground. Vintage Machinery Square; Chief Te Huru chinery Museu[...]Street with a wealth of in-
    Rose garden: The Museum, it is the Road; Jeanie Collier's[...]Hor- ing a 1907 De Dion
    Garden is famous for its drawn era.[...]Bouton, a 1908 Interna-

    . . Reg1llar weekly eVents[...]ommunity Lounge,
    Caroline Bay. Each month[...]iley,
    Range, Gleniti Road, 6.30pm, St Mary's Hall, will feature regular
    Timaru. Coaching and rifles Church Street, Timaru.
    c/o The Tim aru
    available.[...]Herald, PO Box 46,
    Scottish Society learners City of Timaru Highland your club or or-
    class, 8pm, Scot[...]ice, 7.30pm, ganisation bas Timaru or telephone
    Timaru. Band Hall, Turnbull Street.
    Learners welcome. something it would[...]activities - Aero- IHC, Theodosia Street,
    Timaru. bic jazz: 10am to 11am,[...]hree and four·
    year-olds): 1.30pm to[...]kids gym (3 and 4-year
    COLLINS[...]o creche and coffee available; muka Primary School Hall;
    4.3[...]Ranui Avenue. Free creche
    · (Pharmacy) gym, evening.[...]Lounge,
    - Chemist _-- Aged Welfare Rooms, Wai- Gym 'Y's (5 to 8-year-olds):
    mate. 3.45pm to 4.45pm, Communi- Caroline Bay.

    requirements[...].30pm to 2.30pm,
    Caroline Bay. Table Tennis Stadium,[...]Swimming Club, Learners[...]group, 9am, Century Pool, m enswear
    MAIN STREET tury Pool.[...]Timaru.

    FAIRLIE lief team, 7pm[...]Hall, Bank Street, Timaru.
    Pleasant Point Tug-o-War[...]
    [...]PI Point limelight for Noel Coward comedy
    An evenlnJ{'s enter-[...]I land Art Gallery Direc-[...]31 artists and materials
    eight will be _performi[...]Aoraki region. If you are involved in organising such[...]silver to plastic tubing
    Noel Coward's one-act
    comedy A Marriage Has
    '[...]and grass stems. n
    Been Disarranged,[...],,.: .. ~, Focus on Aoraki, C/o The Timaru Herald, Bank[...]Street, Tim aru. Copy should be supplied two weeks[...]A number of bands
    Margaret Clark and pro- prior to·the start of the month in which the event will[...]t Club
    The cast comprises
    Jocelyn Geary, Dilys[...]gallery and runs to 5 sculptor, Mary Baker.[...]11-13 June: Kilimanjaro,
    James, Nadine Boorer,[...]Aigantighe Art Gallery[...]over the past two years July. Al[...]the Pleasant Point Scout shop which costs $5 are through gifts, bequests Artists will include: sale. Fat Sally, a Christchurch
    Geary, Brenda Stewartt headquarters. Nanette Wright and Pat[...]i ana Bartholomew.[...]Braithwaite, John Coley, the gallery is Cross Cur- front, a local band whi[...]on.;. printmakers, items of contemporary Soldiers.
    group will stage a Cin- munity Arts Council is Simpson on Albury 890. _[...]works at an exhibition Karol Hurrows, Maria jewellery from Australia1 Dates and artists are
    derella spoof written in promoting a[...]d workshop incorporating Art gallery 11 July[...]- popular annual Plunket ing artist~ Helen Beatty; Crafts Board of the Aus- for up-to-the-minute in[...]munity Theatre on 7 June quired by Timaru's Exhibition[...]one of the highest buts in the Mt Cook National Park, and in New Zealand. It is popular as a
    base tor 8kJ touring in the winter and so[...]Printed and p ublished by The Timaru Hera ld Company Limited a t it s regi-,tered offi ce in 8Jnl Street. Tnnaru Reg1 ~lcrcd ai Post Office headquancr~. \[...]